Esphir Medovar
This is my father's sister Esphir Medovar, nee Korolik. The photo was taken in Kiev by a famous photographer called Jacob Goldenberg. It says here: ?photographer Jacob Goldenberg received an award from His Highness Great Prince Alexander Mikhailovich?. His shop was on 32, Vassilkovskaya Street, Kiev.
My grandfather and grandmother Korolik had two children: my father and his younger sister Esphir, born around 1902. I only have one picture of her when she was a child. Esphir was married to a famous obstetrician in Kiev. His last name was Medovar. They had no children. When the war began her husband was recruited to the army. Esphir went into evacuation. She had a heart attack on the train and died in August 1941.