This is me with the girls' class of the Jewish school in Topolcany. The photo was taken in 1941.
Here you can see the same girls as in the previous photo because it was our class. I will begin with the bottom row from the left. There's Rosenbergerova, who didn't survive the war, neither did Mandelbaumova. I think then there is Hilda Mullerova, Lilly Friedmannova and Herta Nagelova, neither of them survived. Then there's our teacher's son, Karol, he lives in Israel, Baby Bockova is holding him in her lap. She died maybe two years ago in Israel. Bozena Weissova, she lives in Bratislava. Lida Weissova, she lives in Israel.
Now from the left again; some of these were already older: Teri Braunova perished during the war; Benauova Alica, she perished during the war; Hilda Feldmannova, she perished, too; Edita Braunova died, our teacher Weissova, she died a few years ago in Bratislava. This one with the cap, I don't recall her; next to her is Ica Biermanova, she didn't survive, Süssova and Midi Ehrenwaldova, they didn't survive either.
Then the next row behind the teacher from the back: Juca Spitzerova, she lives in Israel; Marta Rakovska, she didn't survive the war; Rena Gelleyova, she is somewhere in Australia or in the U.S. Alica Porgesova, Piri Horakova's sister, she lives in Israel; Teri Deutelbaumova lives somewhere in America; Frica Fischerova on the right from the teacher, she perished. Gerta Hauptova lives in Israel; Agi Wälderova lives in Israel and then in the back with her head sticking out, that's Ruzena Steinerova, she's perished. Juca Steckauerova didn't survive, then in the back on the other side of the teacher that's me, next to me is Adri Beckova, she perished; Ecksteinova Judita died, Roska Schonfeldova lives somewhere in Israel. Erzi Spitzerova perished.