This photo represents me, Golda Salamon in my kitchen.
I kept yet a kosher household. I wash the dishes together, but I don't mix the bowls for milk with those for meat.
I prepare cholent even today. Cholent is good if cooked of last year's beans.
First I let the beans to boil, and I filter the first brown fluid.
After that I put the beans on the stove in the pot for cholent, I put in the meat - the meat has to be uncooked -, and it needs spice.
It needs two onions cut into small pieces, hot pepper, garlic, paprika, and a little salt, but not much, as it gets salty while boiling.
It's good if it's greasy. But we don't prepare it with fat, sometimes they make it from fatty meat, but nowadays people refrain from greasy meals.
I cook it using oil, I put in it about two deciliters of oil, I fill it up with water, and let it boil slowly, as usually we don't stir it, just let it boil.
When it is almost cooked, we put a half glass of hulled barley. It is of wheat, Romanians call it arpacas. It needs to be put in.
We don't have slaughterer anymore, after the shochet died, nobody came to replace him. But if I buy meat, I kosher it.
As I got used to it, that the blood has to be steeped out of it, it has to be salted, washed, and after that it can be cooked.
It's good for the health too. I don't eat pork even today, we are not accustomed to it.
It is a sin, we learnt that it was a sin to eat pork. Pork is extremely unhealthy.
If you get ill, the first thing is that the doctor forbids you to eat pork, because it's very stodgy, and fatty too, it's not healthy.
But in order to eat pork, you have to be accustomed to in your childhood.
Well then, in my age, if I didn't care my health, how would I look like? Since I'm almost 77 years old.
But thanks to God, I'm fine. I don't eat what it is not good for me.
I cook it, I prepare it, as I have guests sometimes, but I don't eat of it. Just what I know I'm allowed to and it's good for me.
I don't go to doctors, I don't take any medicine.
Once I lead great stress on dressing. Once I went every week to the hairdresser.
My hair was so beautiful, that one could take delight just in seeing it. I had plait when I was a girl, but after that I had short hair, and it was arranged in curls.
Back then the fashion was to wear curls. But today young women don't go to he hairdresser, only the elder.
When I visited Israel and America, I saw that older women go to the hairdresser, they follow the old fashion, young women don't [go to the hairdresser].
One more thing. It makes one older to take everything to heart.
For example I have quite a large garden, which goes with the house, and they haven't given it back yet. I won't kill myself because of that.
No one pocketed that land, when they intend to give it, they will do, but I won't make a big deal of it, like others, who are able to commit I don't know what. No. Whatever will be, will be.
Thanks to God, I'm fine, I have money to live on, as I don't get a normal pension from the Romanians, only 340,000 lei, but I'm receiving the German pension [compensation], because I was deported.
I'm given this for several years, since we could compile in Romania the papers and send them to Germany.
They found me there, where I had worked, because I had been numbered in the lager, here is my lager number, A lager, 7986.