Grigoriy Husid’s mother Debora Husid
This is my mother - Debora Moiseyevna Husid, nee Tsyganskaya born in 1903. This picture was taken in 1940 in Kiev.
My mother's name was Dora, Debora Moiseyevna. She was born in the family of handicraftsmen.
Mother was also born in Yelisavetgrad in 1903.
Mamma worked as an accountant at that time, but I don't remember where. Mamma was an interesting woman. She loved beautiful clothes and she could make her own clothes.
Mother and grandmother made matsa for holidays. But the Jewish character of anything was never emphasized. It was during the postwar yeas, when attention was drawn to this.
In 1962 my mother died from cancer, and my father died in 1970 from a stroke. He was paralyzed for seen years. I was taking care of him. Later I hired a woman to take care of him. Well, their life story is rather sad.