Grigoriy Tets and his work colleagues
This photo was taken at the parade on 1st May. The first on the right is my brother Grigoriy Tets. This photo was taken in Riga in 1970.
My older brother Grigoriy, named after grandfather Hirsh, was born in 1914. After finishing the gymnasium Grigoriy entered the Law Faculty of Riga University. He also worked in a law office at night. This job enabled him to earn his living, which was important for him. Grigoriy was good at his studies. My brother was a convinced Zionist.
In 1946 my brother went to work as a lawyer at a plant. Grigoriy met his future wife in the hospital, where we worked during World War II. Maria Gaisinskaya, a Jewish woman from Dnepropetrovsk, was a doctor. We were friends and corresponded with her after the war. Once we invited her to stay with us in Riga My brother spent much time with her showing her around. They went to theaters and got to know each other better. When it was time for Maria to go back home, they told us they were going to get married. Maria moved to Riga. They had a common wedding. They registered their marriage in the municipal registry office and invited the family to a quiet dinner. In 1949 Maria and Grigoriy's daughter Ilana was born.
In 1984 my brother Grigoriy died. We buried him at the Jewish cemetery.