The man in the middle is my father, Iacob Bohorachev, to the left is my mother, Ester Bohoracheva, nee Komforti, and to the right my aunt Rosa Bohoracheva, my father's sister. The photo was taken in Sofia in 1948.
My father Iacob Bohorachev had two brothers and one sister. Aunt Rosa was born in 1892. She lived in Pernik.
My parents moved to Israel in 1949. Despite their former decision in 1948, all my mother's relatives moved to Israel. She remained here alone and together with my father decided to leave too. In fact, my parents moved to Israel in a little dramatic fashion. At one point my mother wanted me to tell them whether they should leave or not. It was clear then that I was staying with my husband in Bulgaria. Then they decided to leave and started packing. One day I came from work and saw the trunks unpacked. I asked what was going on and in the meantime my father came home, too, and he asked my mother the same question. And she said that she couldn't leave without me, she couldn't leave her child behind? I felt very bad that I was an obstacle to their decision - I neither wanted to leave with them nor stay here without them. This was at the beginning of April 1949, but, after all, they left for Israel on 7th May the same year. They settled in a kibbutz near Kfar Saba, where some of their grandchildren still live.