This is me in 1950 when I married my second husband.
My second husband, Jozsef Feher, wasn't Jewish. But we lived very happily, and loved each other very much. He was born in 1926. He was two years younger than me.
He was from Mezotur, but was born in Szent. I met him in such a way that he lived where we lived, in lodgings there on the first floor. We stayed on in this house because my husband was a car-lover and there was a garage there.
He was an electrician and later a purchasing agent in AFESZ. Then he worked at the underground too, as an electrician. After the war I didn't care much about Jewishness.
I didn't miss it. It was he who made my life complete. By my heart was always Jewish. And remained as such. I didn't join the party.
Neither did my husband. I didn't even discuss politics with my husband. We didn't care about politics. We were happy.
My first job after the war was at the Wholesale newsagents. I was a filing clerk there. We were the ones who noted down on the cards that such and such news vendor out there in the provinces needed this much newspaper of this kind, and that much of that kind.
I worked only about a year and a half there, and then it closed down. Then I went to the food shop in Rozsa Street as a saleswoman. And my husband came there, and you know, in this kind of job men can be very informal with their colleagues.
My husband heard this and told me, "Well, you won't be going there anymore". He just became jealous. Then I went to the big food shop at Kodaly Circus. I was in the chocolate section.
And after that I worked in the May Day clothing-factory. I sewed on buttons there. Then there was a pause, and after that I went to the Medimpex. And I really liked it there.
At first I was there as a lift attendant. And then they took me up to the herb section; I worked there as a manager in the herb warehouse. I retired from the Aurora clinic.
I was posted there as a medical clerk. But when an assistant was absent, they used to put me on. So I worked in quite busy areas.