Klara Engelova at the Jewish girls’ school
This photograph was taken during the years 1917 - 1918 in Spisska Nova Ves at a Jewish girls’ school. My mother Klara Engelova is standing on the far left.
My mother, Klara, née Polakova, was born on 3rd December 1904 in Kokava nad Rimavicou. My mother was more of an introvert. She was my father’s ‘inferior,’ though not in a bad sense. Basically just an obedient wife. That’s how my mother was raised. I consider her to be a very good-hearted person. She was a typical woman. Not everything was the way I’d have liked it, later I said to myself many times that it would definitely not have done any harm for her to also defend me from my father, when my father ‘overdid’ it with disciplining me. She wasn’t capable of that.