My older sister Dora Mariasis, (she didn't change her last name), economist. This photo was taken in 1936 in Bendery.
At 1919 my mother married my father and moved to Bendery. In 1920 their daughter Dora Mariasis was born. She was called Dvoira at birth, but everybody called her Dora. The state rabbi - his name was Derbaremdiker, I remember, had a rooster with all birth records. The rabbi didn't issue birth certificates, but he issued an official birth extract from this rooster. Theses extracts were notified and stamped.
My sister Dora had finished a grammar school and passed her baccalaureate exam. Education at Bendery grammar school was very good. They studied French and Latin and Dora's French was fluent. She had a collection of French books. Dora had a Bluthner piano in her room. It was a very good piano. My father brought it from Austria. My sister had a music teacher and could play fairly well. In 1940 she entered the Commercial academy in Bucharest and studied there for a year. In 1941 she left Rumania for Bendery on almost the last train, before Germans entered the country.
My sister studied by correspondence in Sverdlovsk Industrial Institute and graduated from it. She became a professional economist and worked at the plant where my father was working.
My sister Dora is also single. She was very ill in the last years of her life. In 1998 she fell and broke her hipbone. She was confided to bed and employees of the Chesed in Kishinev (Jewish charity organization) looked after her. Dora died in Kishinev in 1999.