The photo was taken in the ?Royal? photo studio, on 69 Kniaginia [Princess] Klementina Street in Sofia in the 1930s. This is Linda Momona, nee Elazar, my father Solomon Elazar's sister, with her children. She is in the center. Izak Levi, my aunt Sultana's son, is on the left and Bitush, aunt Linda's son, is the one standing. The following text is written on the back of the photo: 'To Uncle Solomon as a remembrance on the occasion of Izak's departure to Palestine. From the Momona family.'
My father had two sisters, Matilda and Linda, and a brother, Bentsion. Matilda was married to Rufat and they had five children, four girls and one boy, Buko. All left for Israel except their daughter Ventura. My father's other sister lived alone with her three children after her husband died in World War I. Their family experienced a great tragedy. They tried to reach Israel in a small boat, which crashed and sank. They all drowned except my cousin Bitush. He managed to reach Israel, but he could never forget that tragedy. The ship left for Israel from Romania, and gathered volunteers from Bulgaria as well. They sailed close to the shore, because they were not sure how safe the ship was. But the ship broke down before reaching the Bosphorus and almost everyone drowned.