Maria Lipovskaya’s photo for the board of honour

Maria Lipovskaya’s photo for the board of honour

This is a photo of mine which I had taken for the board of honor. I do not remember when exactly it was taken, approximately in 1960. I only remember it was winter. I lived in Leningrad at that time and worked as a newsagent of 'Soyuzpechat' ['Soviet Print']. I fell ill with pneumonia that winter. My colleagues came to visit me and asked me to take a photo for the board of honor. I  felt very ill, but I went to the photo shop. It was situated very far, I think, on Vasilievsky Island.

It happened after the death of my second husband, Mikhail Zlatkin. I had to work much at that time to bring up alone my two children, Margarita and Alexander. It was interesting to work as a stall-woman, because all new literary products were there on sale. My children and I had a happy opportunity to read them immediately after they appeared on sale.

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