These are my parents Matilda Mois Iakova, nee Avramova, and Mois Iakov Moyseev. The photo was taken in the 1910s in Sofia.
My mother was born in Samokov, perhaps in 1880. I never spent any time in Samokov, because my mother came to Sofia when she was very young. She was very intelligent for her time - she studied in the French College and knew French very well. My father was born in Pleven in 1877. He graduated from high school there and around 1900 he came to Sofia and he met my mother. I do not know where and how they met. They had a religious wedding around 1900.
My parents dressed fashionably. At that time hats and long dresses were very fashionable. My father worked as a clerk in the municipality in the beginning. When my uncle Marco Avramov built a factory in Troyan and then a textile factory in Sliven, he hired my father as an accountant. Before that Marco had bought a house in Sofia and gathered the whole family there. My sisters and I were born in Sofia. We were never deprived of anything, although we never had our own house. We lived in a rented house after my uncle died and his wife sold the house.