Mazal Asael's husband Mois Asael in the labour camp

This is a picture form the labor camp in South Bulgaria where my husband Mois Asael was sent. The picture was taken in the 1940s. My husband is the fourth in the last but one row. The man in the uniform in the third row is their warden. There were Jews from various towns in Bulgaria in the labor camps. They were sent to various labor places everywhere in the country. My husband was sent to a camp near Simitly and then to Sveti Vrach camp in South Bulgaria. They had to perform hard physical labor, mostly on construction of railways, and they lived under very poor living conditions. My husband Mois Shemaia Asael was born in the town of Dupnitza. He is an optician. He graduated from the Optics Institute of the Ministry of Health in Sofia and he has worked as an optician for more than 40 years. His family didn't go to Israel but bought a house on Sofronii Vrachanski Street where I lived with my husband for almost twenty years, until 1970. After that we moved to the Mladost Quarter, a suburban neighborhood in Sofia, and we still live there.