This is a picture of me sitting on the balcony of our apartment at Eschenheimer Anlage 30 in Frankfurt.
I returned home from school at 1pm. Then our maid served lunch, and we all ate together.
After lunch, my mother used to take a nap, or would sit next to me and help me with my homework.
In the afternoon I went down to the street to play with my friends. Sometimes we played hopscotch [Hickelkreis].
We would draw different forms onto the street and hop on one leg from one box to the next.
I would ride my bicycle a lot. My parents gave me a very pretty bike: It was my Rolls Royce.
I cannot remember how old I was when I got it. Everyone had a bike at that time.
I did not cycle to school, though. I went by foot. It took me 20 minutes to get there.