Perl Binevich (Gabovich), my mother's sister. She is near her house in Moscow (Kuntsevo) around 1980.
Grandfather Kalman owned a mill near the church and was an independent and a well-to-do man. They had 18 children, only 9 of which survived - six daughters and three sons. He gave education to all of them. His daughters married successful businessmen.
The oldest girl's name was Perl, and she was born around 1875. Her husband Binevich owned a cloth factory in Slavuta, Vinnitsa region. They didn't have any children. In the early 20s during disposession of the kulaks all his property was taken away. He died soon. Aunt Polia (Perl) moved to Moscow and settled down at Kunysevo, in the suburb of Moscow.
All children got Jewish education. Besides, students from Kiev gave them lessons at home. They studied all general subjects: literature, history and mathematics. Although their parents spoke Yiddish at home, the children spoke fluent Russian and Ukrainian.
The sons took to business and the daughters married well-to-do Jews successfully.