Rosa Rosenstein with her granddaughters Noga and Noemi Bar David

Here I am in Israel, in the Magen kibbutz, with my granddaughters Noga and Noemi Bar-David, the daughters of my son Zwi. The picture was taken in 1979. After his final exams in Vienna, my son went to Israel. You see, the whole family lived in Israel: his sisters Bessy and Lilly, his grandmother, aunts, uncles and cousins. Georg He lived in a kibbutz there and studied psychology. He changed his name to Zwi Bar-David. He married Ilana, whose family on the mother's side is also from Berlin, from Scheunenviertel, and they had two daughters and a son. Because of his son's muscle illness, he, his wife, my then three-year-old grandson Ofir and their younger daughter, Noemi, moved to Vienna. His older daughter, Noga, lives in Israel and works as a nurse. My grandson did his final exams with very good results this year and currently studies at the Technical University of Vienna. I went to Israel for the first time in 1949. This is when I saw my two daughters, Bessy and Lilly again after many years of separation.

Photos from this interviewee