Rosa Rosenstein with her husband, Alfred Rosenstein, and their son, Zwi Bar-David in Budapest

Here you can see me with my second husband, Alfred Rosenstein, and our son, Zwi Bar-David [born Georg Rosenstein]. The photo was taken in Budapest in 1946. At the end of 1944 I noticed that I was pregnant and I said to myself: either the child will perish with me, or I do something. And my husband said, 'You won't do anything. If we survive, we will have a child.' He didn't allow me to do anything. But I went to see the doctor in the ghetto anyways. He told me, 'I won't do anything! Do you want to die of sepsis?' You see, he didn't have instruments, nothing at all. My husband immediately said, 'There's no way you are going to do this. We will get married.' Our son, Georg, was born in Budapest on 27th June 1945. It took a bit longer until we married. At that time, our son was already one-and-a-half years old.

Photos from this interviewee