Rosa Rosenstein with her son Zwi Bar-David and her brother's daughters

Here you can see me with my son, Zwi Bar-David [born Georg Rosenstein] and the daughters of my brother, Arthur Braw, Ruth Dickstein [nee Braw] and Jael Rappoport [nee Braw]. The photo was taken in Tel Aviv in 1949. Initially, I didn't want to go back to Austria after the war; I wanted to move to my children and parents in Israel. But my husband said that he didn't have a proper profession to go to Israel. He was a businessman and worked for his brother, who owned a large oil company. He worked as a salesman. That wasn't the right profession for Israel. There, you had to have money, money to set up on your own. So what was he to do at his age? After all, he was ten years older than me, so not young any more. He wanted to go to Austria to put in a claim for reparation payment and get the money so we could immigrate to Israel. I stayed in Vienna because I didn't want my children or relatives to maintain me. I went to Israel for the first time in 1949 with my son. Back then you still went by ship. When my husband got his first reparation payment, which was 16,000 schillings, he said, 'You go, to see your children.' The money wasn't enough for both of us to go.

Photos from this interviewee