This my sister Sarah Dener and her husband Jacques Levenson. This photo was taken in Bucharest in 1963.
In 1956 when I was released from exile I learned from my cousin Viktoria, that my brother Yuzef had perished in the ghetto in Transnistria in 1942, and that my sister Sarah had survived and was working in the house of a composer in Bucharest. We began to correspond. In 1964, after her husband died, Sarah moved to Israel. They had no children. They offered her a job in a music school in a kibbutz, but she refused, 'I lived my life in Bucharest and I can't live in a village'. She went to work in a restaurant where she washed dishes. Since Sarah knew six languages - French, German, English, Romanian, Russian, Yiddish and Latin -she went to work as a telephone operator on long distance calls within some time. Then she took a six-month training in Munich. All in all, she retired from her work as deputy chief of department in the Ministry of Communication of Israel. She lives in Ramat-Aviv.