These are my parents, my older sister Rebecca and her husband Efraim Kann. From left to right: my father Mendel-Leib Kats, my sister Rebecca Kann, her husband Efraim Kann and my mother Sarah-Maria Kats. This photo was taken in Yurmala near Riga when my parents were there on vacation in 1938.
My father was a rich man. He had big haberdashery store. He was awarded the title of First Guild Merchant. My mother worked together with father in the store and took care of the house.
My sister married in 1937. Her husband Efraim Kann was 24. He had serve in the army by that time and was a shop assistant in a car shop. This job enabled him to provide for the family. They had a traditional Jewish wedding. My parents made a generous gift to the newly weds. They rented an apartment and furnished it richly. Rebecca didn't work after she got married. Soon she gave birth to a girl, Atara.