Zsuzsa and Judit Maszler in Guzen, Germany

This is me and my sister, Judit, in the hospital in Guzen, Germany. We spent three months there after the Americans liberated us from Mauthausen. We left the hospital when the Russians took it over from the Americans. We were deported from Obuda in December 1944. We first went to Ravensbruck and from there we were taken to the Metterschmidt factory, like all those who were in good condition. Here we worked in the turnery. In April 1945 we were taken to Mauthausen, exhausted, emaciated and ill with typhoid. We were already standing in front of the gas chambers naked with the dogtag around our neck when somebody came shouting: ?hey Hungarians, we are liberated!? After our liberation we spent 3 months in hospital in Guzen. This picture was taken by one of the American doctors before they turned the hospital over to the Russians. My sister Judit asked the doctor to give us an envelope and stamps to send the photo home to our parents to let htem know that we are alive. On the back of the picture we wrote the following: ?Our dear father and mother. This photo is the proof that we are alive.? We left the hospital shortly after this picture was taken. Judit married in 1948. She has a son, Gyuri. When he was at university, he went to Japan to study Chinese and Japanese, and he never came back. He now lives in Australia.