Tag #105758 - Interview #78246 (Aleksander Ziemny)

Selected text
The school was well equipped, there were playing fields, laboratories, etc. And as for the pupils, it was a very bizarre mixture. Wieczorkowski took a few highlanders, the best pupils in the elementary school, because as a peasant he took the part of the peasantry. Then counts and landowners, common as muck there, they were: Krasinskis, Malachowskis, a Dunin, a few Sobanskis [names of famous, worthy Polish aristocratic families]. Then there was the Jewish plutocracy, rich as hell: some Kagan from Lodz, etc.

In my class there were only a couple of Jews. At that school it was irrelevant who was Jewish and who Polish. It's inexpressible.
Aleksander Ziemny