Tag #106316 - Interview #91108 (Boleslaw Janowski)

Selected text
As soon as I came back to Poland in 1944, in Lublin, I registered with the Central Committee of Polish Jews [31]. In the 1970s I started getting involved in the TSKZ [32]. I helped to organize the Association of Jewish Combatants and Victims of World War II. Later on, in the 1990s, I worked in the editorial office of ‘Dos Yidishe Vort’ [33]. I’m still in touch with the editorial board, as a translator and proofreader. When I worked at ‘Dos Yidishe Vort,’ when I wrote in Yiddish I signed myself ‘Beniamin Zylberberg.’ Although my official name is Boleslaw Janowski, my roots are Jewish, after all, and Zylberberg is my parents’ name.
Boleslaw Janowski