Tag #106319 - Interview #91108 (Boleslaw Janowski)

Selected text
In Krasnik we lived in a wooden cottage near the square, on Krotka [Short] Street, which really was short. But I don’t remember the number. Were there numbers there at all? Our house was a single-story house, although above us, on a low mezzanine, lived another Jewish family. Some 200 to 300 meters from the square was the synagogue, and next to it a prayer house. That was open every day, but the synagogue only on Saturdays and holidays. From there was a road that led to the Jewish cemetery, the ‘kirkut’ [the Polish name for a Jewish cemetery] or ‘heilike ort,’ which in Yiddish means ‘holy place.’ It was nearby; you just had to cross the river.


Boleslaw Janowski