Tag #106348 - Interview #91108 (Boleslaw Janowski)

Selected text
In 1960 Mieczyslaw Moczar [29] [then junior minister for internal affairs, in 1968 instigator of the anti-Semitic campaign] wanted to have me thrown out of the army on disciplinary grounds, because someone had told him that I had called him anti-Semitic. But fortunately, his superior, the minister of internal affairs, was a decent man, who annulled the dismissal and ordered the head of the personnel department to find me another job. And I was on first-name terms with the head of the personnel department, because we had done our school-leaving exam together after the war. He said, ‘We’ll pay you as if you were on regular service, and you can do a full-time degree.’ He was an anti-Semite as well. And that’s how, thanks to two anti-Semites, I did a degree; I’m a Master of Economics, a graduate of the Institute of Planning and Statistics [SGPiS].
Boleslaw Janowski