Tag #106492 - Interview #78221 (Daniel Bertram)

Selected text
A few times people tried to get me involved, agitating. I went once on a Saturday to Hashomer Hatzair [7], another time to Shomer Hadati. They had these miserable little places. Once I went to Akiba [Zionist youth movement] with a friend and my aunt's brother-in-law. But it didn't appeal to me, somehow. With hindsight, though, I can see that I should have got involved. I was afraid my studies might suffer, but you had to go to one of those organizations! One of them, because there were various different ones: Akiba, Hashomer Hatzair, Shomer Hadati, Ichud [left-wing Zionist organization], there was the Bund [8], too.
Daniel Bertram