Tag #106715 - Interview #88491 (Emanuel Elbinger)

Selected text
I remember that when the Monday markets were on in the Square, when there were the most customers, the priest used to stand in the doorway of our shop and stop customers coming in. He was the parish priest, I saw him as a huge figure – and he would point at our shop: ‘Don’t buy here from Jews! [9] There’s a Christian shop over there, buy there!’ But it didn’t do any good, because people would come in round the back. Yes, because I presume it was cheaper in our shop than in the Christian shop. That was for one, and for another, we would sell on credit, mostly to people we knew. And that was my first shock. I don’t remember what year that was… 1938 or 1939. It was in the last years before the war that it started to get bad. It all went rotten.
Emanuel Elbinger