Tag #106748 - Interview #88491 (Emanuel Elbinger)

Selected text
He didn’t get the two-story house back, although that was his by rights too. The Farmers’ Mutual Aid forced their way in there, broke down the door and walked in. Without Father knowing, because we weren’t living in Nowe Brzesko by then. They made it into a cereal store, and so it all sagged, because there were tons and tons... They used it and didn’t pay anything. So Father went to court. You know what the courts were like under communism. He didn’t win anything. The case dragged on until he died, nearly. But as long as he lived he used to go there. Still put money into it, very often mine. He’d mend the roof, because it made his heart bleed to see it going to ruin. And still they didn’t pay him anything. They just treated it that since it was Jewish property it was nobody’s, so they could do as they pleased with it.
Emanuel Elbinger