Tag #106759 - Interview #88491 (Emanuel Elbinger)

Selected text
There wasn’t any of that in Poland at that time. And at that rally there was this guy Zachariasz [Szymon; 1948-1964 member of the Party Inspectorate Central Committee, the executive of the Polish United Workers’ Party in power 1948-1990]. He was a member of the Central Committee, a Jew, and he gave a paper. In Jewish [Yiddish]. And he starts spouting this trash, that he takes it as read that those Jews were murderers and poisoners, that they didn’t treat properly. He spoke very pretty Yiddish, forcefully, and he was always interjecting these Hebrew words: ‘eymen,’ that means ‘amen.’ And he says: ‘We’re not only against those doctors, we’re against Israel [28], because Israel is a figment of Zionism, and that’s capitalism, the bourgeoisie.’ An important man, member of the Central Committee, and he believes in that claptrap! No, I got out of there. Left the hall. I didn’t want to hear that, and I left. That told me everything. I saw that socialism was changing into racism. They tried to get me to join the Party, but I never did.
Emanuel Elbinger