Tag #106909 - Interview #78428 (Estera Migdalska)

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As far as religious holidays are concerned, that’s precisely the problem of people like me who weren’t taught much about tradition at home. I learned little at home, and my husband didn’t contribute much Polish tradition either. So we had to be creative. I was able to say at home, if I knew, that it was the Chanukkah that day, but we still had the Christmas tree, though we never held the Christmas Eve dinner [a Polish Christian tradition] because I didn’t know how you do it. My husband wasn’t able to tell me, he doesn’t bother about those things at all. My children, both Andrzej and Hania, hold the Christmas Eve dinner at their homes, and on Christmas Day they come to us for a special dinner. So it’s always been a mixture of traditions, and I have to say that didn’t give my children any foundations. They’d pick and choose what suited them for themselves.
Estera Migdalska