Tag #107021 - Interview #78428 (Estera Migdalska)

Selected text
In our house, two floors above us, was located that famous communist public library called Zycie [11], and the police would very often raid the place; in fact, the library is even mentioned by Mrs. Ronikier in her book ‘In the Garden of Memory,’ I think her grandmother used to borrow books from there [Joanna Olczak-Ronikier, ‘In the Garden of Memory,’ 2002]. So the general mood and the atmosphere were definitely leftist.

My political consciousness was growing to the rhythm of my contacts with our subtenants. Those subtenants were usually KZMP [12] members. They liked me very much, and would talk to me about the Soviet Union, about communism. One guy was actually a KPP [13] member, and if he needed to hide away from the police, he’d hide with us.
Estera Migdalska