Tag #107707 - Interview #101359 (Helena Najberg)

Selected text
She was very religious, even excessively. She wouldn’t eat a piece of bread without saying all the prayers. Sometimes this took until 10 or 11 a.m. And she was very weak, sickly, she wasn’t a young woman then. I’d always say to her: ‘You either have to say those prayers earlier or eat something.’ No way. ‘If I don’t say the prayers, I can’t eat.’ She was very pious. I remember that when she left for the prayer house on Saturday, this was when she was still living in Lodz, she couldn’t even take a purse with her, because you couldn’t hold anything in your hand, she’d pin the keys to her skirt with a safety pin. Everyone called her a rabbi, because she was the first one to come and the last one to leave [the prayer house]. Mother had supposedly done some great favor to her, so she kept writing to me and inviting me [to Belgium]. I don’t know what favor it was, she wouldn’t tell me, she only said she felt greatly obliged.
Helena Najberg