Tag #108104 - Interview #91135 (Icchok Grynberg)

Selected text
outh organizations were also very active: there was Beitar [6], there was Hahalutz [7], which prepared kibbutzim in Poland. They exercised, went to farmers to learn farming, and they all got together and went to Israel (if they got a certificate, permit from the English [8]). First wave of youth left in 1929 – 1930. My cousin Ester, Necha Szachter, Natan ‘Nuske’ Szron, Lejbcze Gewura, Idel Rudka were among them… I remember till today when they went to Israel. The arrived in Palestine long before the war. And I remember, if some of them were earning money, they used to send some home.
Icchok Grynberg