Tag #108167 - Interview #91135 (Icchok Grynberg)

Selected text
The majority of Zionist families went to Israel. Sara with her husband and child left in 1946. Then my brother Motl and Mother left. Neither my sister nor my brother had permission to leave. It was illegal [18]. Illegal emigration went like this: there was word among the Jews that they could help whoever wanted to leave Poland. There was no fee for such help. People from the Jewish Committee would come and say: ‘Tonight you have to be here and here. We’re going to Klodzko where we’ll cross the Czech border…’ (I heard that there was this entire affair in Czechoslovakia related to the escapes of Jews. People who were helping Jews cross the border illegally were arrested). This was organized together with Polish authorities who were guarding the border with Czechoslovakia. Czechs would then let Jews go further, to Austria, and then they went from Austria to Italy. And there they stayed in camps until Israel would take them in.
Icchok Grynberg