Tag #108787 - Interview #78427 (Janina Wiener)

Selected text
The wedding took place on 29th June 1921, on Peter and Paul [an important saints’ day in Poland]. I remember that because it was an anniversary that we celebrated every year. I remember my parents’ wedding photo. My father was dressed in his lieutenant’s uniform and when they left the Tempel, his officer friends held up their sabers [crossed in a guard of honor above the newlyweds’ heads, for luck]. There was a photo of that at home. I know they were wed by Rabbi Freund. My father had dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small moustache. He was extremely handsome. My mother, as I remember her, was beautiful. She had chestnut-brown hair, dark eyes, very fair skin, and beautiful hands. At first she kept her hair in a bun, but then suddenly she started cropping it.
Janina Wiener