Tag #109264 - Interview #78794 (Jozef Hen)

Selected text
In the 1930s nationalism was definitely on the rise in Poland. There had been some anti-Semitic incidents at the Warsaw University before [see Anti- semitism in Poland in the 1930s] [32] and even writers like Maria Dabrowska [1889-1965, her novel 'Noce i dnie' ('Nights and Days') is one of the great achievements of Polish realism], who actually had some anti-Semitic tendencies, although that was probably due to her upbringing, knew that such incidents were disgraceful.

She wrote an article called 'Doroczny wstyd' ['Annual Shame'] about these incidents at the university. Wanda Wasilewska [33] also wrote an article about this, entitled 'Ciemna fala' ['Dark Wave']. There was some commotion at our school due to these incidents. Our Polish language teacher, Professor Ludwik Roth, tried to convince us that this was only temporary, that there were voices of discontent as well.
Jozef Hen