Tag #109483 - Interview #83803 (Julian Gringras)

Selected text
While I was in Lwow a few parcels of clothing came from my parents. They were probably still living in their own houses, but in 1942 we were no longer in contact. We lost touch with the outbreak of the war [between Germany and Russia in June 1941] [20].

And after that I no longer had any contact with either Kielce or Warsaw, only with Moscow, with the people who were in the Union of Polish Patriots [21], who also sent parcels, small ones. An overcoat, a good, navy blue overcoat – but unfortunately some mice nested in the sleeve and then I had to throw it away, yes, that’s what happened.

I didn’t know what was going on, because being in Russia we didn’t know, you see. We didn’t know that there was a ghetto, we didn’t know about the deportations to Auschwitz, we didn’t know about the uprising in the ghetto [22], for instance.
Julian Gringras