Tag #109669 - Interview #78228 (Leon Glazer)

Selected text
All in all, Father did very poorly after that. Fewer customers, competition, and then there was a terrible crisis [the economic crisis in Poland 1929-1935: decline in industrial output, mass unemployment, fall in investment, inflation, a crisis in agriculture].

I was born before the crisis, but I remember the crisis. I remember how much money lay about on the floor in the apartment. Small change, it was. There was an exchange of money under Grabski [Wladyslaw Grabski (1874- 1938): politician, twice prime minister of Poland, economist. Widely known as the author of the 1924 currency reform]. At that time there was a terrible drop in the standard of living. At least for the poor people, and we didn't have any riches. Father kept us with the work of his hands.

And so that was why there was that poverty.
Leon Glazer