Tag #109695 - Interview #78228 (Leon Glazer)

Selected text
Various Jewish parties were active in Bielsko. As far as I remember, there were Akiba [11], Hanoar Hatzioni [12], Betar [13], Poalei Zion [14]. I remember there being a Betar rally on the playing field a little way outside the town. They came from all over Poland. Afterwards they marched down one street, and another, and with those sticks, too. But I don't know what the sticks were for, they just waved them around. I went there then, just to go, as an observer.

The Betar members were almost entirely in uniform, I happen to remember that there were those uniforms - I don't remember the color, but perhaps brown? [They were indeed brown, a color that was meant to symbolize the color of the Palestinian earth.] Something like that. It was a kind of paramilitary organization. Perhaps they were training there, meaning - I don't know - the liberation of Palestine, something like that was definitely going on. Some of them, I think, went into the army [joined the Polish Armed Forces]. In our organization - because I belonged to Hanoar Hatzioni - they used to say that it was a Jewish fascist organization.

I belonged to Hanoar Hatzioni from the beginning of school. It's hard to say what attracted me to that organization. I suppose it was some youthful fad. Sport, among other things. I was a good table tennis player and I often played in our organization's club room. Hanoar Hatzioni meetings, talks and events were also held in that club room. We wore these green uniforms.

I also remember agitating for emigration to Palestine. I thought about perhaps going to Palestine inasmuch as that was how they taught us then in Hanoar Hatzioni, in the Zionist spirit, and prepared us for the possibility of going there. But I hadn't thought about it seriously then, because I wasn't aware enough. I was still young, at gymnasium. Anyway, it was unrealistic in those years, because you had to have lots of money for the trip. It wasn't for free.
Leon Glazer