Tag #109750 - Interview #78228 (Leon Glazer)

Selected text
We wrote in the sense that we wanted to be seconded to the Israeli army, still Haganah back then. Not to be released, just for secondment, because that was back at the beginning of 1948, when relations were still good. At one point Sawicki and I were even planning to go illegally. We wanted to get in touch with Haganah ourselves, except that would have been desertion and in the end we decided not to. The official refusal to my reports was: 'No, because we say so,' until in the end they summoned me to Warsaw, because the command of the Borderlands Protection Forces was in Warsaw - and still is. And they blew up at me like this... 'What's wrong? Are you badly off here in the Polish Army? Go there, to Israel? To fight?' They called me to order a bit. That's why I wasn't promoted afterwards. For eight years.
Leon Glazer