Tag #109754 - Interview #78228 (Leon Glazer)

Selected text
I met Julia in the summer of 1954. At that time it was quite fashionable, both in the army and among young people, to forge cultural and entertainment links between workplaces and the army. I was one of the ones in the army who went round workplaces and organized it all. Julia worked in Gryfow, not far from Luban, in a clothing factory. She ran this art club for the ZMP [48]. They had a theater group in the works, an amateur one, and my wife used to come with them to us. We had this little stage in the base. I know for certain that they put on Moliere. One moment, what was it? The Nobleman - something like that. [The Would-Be Gentleman]. And then afterwards, after the performance, there would be a party for everyone too.
Leon Glazer