Tag #109796 - Interview #78228 (Leon Glazer)

Selected text
And so in the end she asked me, because it turns out she wanted to go to Israel.

She'd thought about it before, I think, because I noticed that this letter had been written to the Israeli embassy. There was a reply from there too, that the embassy didn't organize emigration to Israel, but the Sochnut [55] agency. That's this organization that deals with Jewish emigration from countries like Russia, Ukraine and Poland. And then, in 1993, my daughter started trying to get the papers. She needed a certificate that she was of Jewish descent. Here in the community organization they didn't really want to issue it to her, because I'm not a member of the community organization. I don't know why I'm not, I'm just not.

So I said, 'Go to Warsaw, the papers are there in the Historical Institute, some trace is still there, and you'll get it.' And she did go there. She got some document off them, the most important she could present them with, and on the grounds of that document, which confirmed that I am a Jew, her whole family got an immigration visa. Although it's not on her mother's side, at least on her father's side she's got Jewish descent.
Leon Glazer