Tag #109849 - Interview #94254 (Asia Matveyuk)

Selected text
In 1933 Zisl married her sisters’ friend, Grisha Lein from Lugansk, and moved to Lugansk like her sisters. Etah married Yosif Berman,. A Jewish man from Novopoltavka, and they also moved to Lugansk. All my aunts had traditional weddings, but I only remember Etah and Yosif’s wedding.  The bride and bridegroom were taken to the synagogue separately and I was amazed that the bride was crying. Somebody explained to me that it was a ritual. The bride and bridegroom were standing under a chuppah at the synagogue where a marriage contract was executed. Then there was a party with wine and sweet dishes on the table. On the second day the party continued, and there was gefilte fish, meat and chicken on the table. Everybody enjoyed the party and it was a lot of fun. We, children, danced in a common circle. After the wedding Etah and Yosif registered their marriage in the registry office. I think my other aunts’ weddings were alike.
Asia Matveyuk