Tag #111098 - Interview #79527 (Maria Ziemna)

Selected text
Later our district was turned into a German district and we had to get ready to move. The Germans kept coming to the apartment and taking things away. We started moving things from the apartment to our non-Jewish friends, a Persian carpet, some paintings, but we didn’t manage to take a lot. One day they [the Germans] came and ordered us to leave. We lived at the Leinkrams’ for some time, they had a big apartment. We got parceled out there, the four of us, into various walk-through rooms.


The situation was that their older daughter Irena had a fiancé, they studied medicine together. They also went east, both of them. They were arrested, he was suspected to be a spy. He was probably killed. She came back to Cracow disconsolate, she had always been a fat girl, but then she lost twenty-something kilograms. And the loss of her fiancé had such an effect on her that she would become very angry at everything.


We ran the household together. There was a servant. There was also Irena’s dog, she used to ostentatiously give him the best pieces, when it was very difficult to get any food. Overall she was acting very provocatively towards the entire family. I remember some quarrel when they cursed us along the lines that we wouldn’t survive the war. Well, but we survived and they didn’t. That’s what happened. We lived there for a few months. I was taking a dressmaking course then.


What was happening to the family in Warsaw then? Grandma Rumeld was already dead. When she died, Marta and Cesia, both daughters-in-law, were with her.
Maria Ziemna