Tag #111137 - Interview #79527 (Maria Ziemna)

Selected text
At home the housekeeper said that an agent was looking for me. Fredek came with a friend, moved me to Marta and Karol’s. Fredek was a Jew, a young man from Sambor [today Ukraine], who came from there with Karol after the Germans took over the town. He later died in a partisan unit.


Marta and Karol lived on Kozminska Street then, in a German house, they had a large room and a kitchen in the attic. Marta worked in a German kitchen on the corner of Gornoslaska and Rozbrat streets, where there was a school for German children and a kitchen for German teachers. Uncle [Karol] was with her, because he was also hiding. Another Jewish woman lived with them, Tekla Turczak. She had Ukrainian papers. I don’t remember what her real name was. She came to Warsaw from a village near Lwow.


For some time I wasn’t allowed to leave the house. And I never saw Tadeusz again. They never allowed Tadeusz to come to me, and I didn’t know how to fight for it, I was too passive. I also didn’t want to endanger them.
Maria Ziemna