Tag #111150 - Interview #79527 (Maria Ziemna)

Selected text
Tekla came from a very religious Jewish home, and couldn’t even imagine having a boyfriend other than a Jewish one. In Lodz she met an officer, a Jew, and they had a closer relationship which ended tragically for her. A very uncommon thing, during their first sexual encounter Tekla got a blood infection.


She was in hospital. I went to visit her every other day. But I wasn’t there till the end. That’s the huge mistake of my life, and my mother couldn’t help me. The last two days I didn’t go to see Tekla. I went to Zakopane, because in the meantime my mother got our villa in Zakopane back. Tekla’s funeral was organized by the headquarters, I will be regretting until the end of my life that I wasn’t with her till the last moments.
Maria Ziemna