Tag #111950 - Interview #90527 (Anatoliy Shor)

Selected text
There was a Jewish amateur theater in Bershad. It staged plays of popular Jewish authors, mostly of Sholem Aleichem [7]. I often went to the theater with other boys. I also attended the class of political knowledge in this same club that housed the theater.  We sincerely believed in the communist ideals and socialism, I read political books and brochures, and even made reports on the current international political situation presenting them at the club and at school. However strange this may sound, my school activities were in no conflict with my Jewish life and education at home.  For me my home and school existed separately. The authorities were adamantly struggling against religion [8], destroying churches and synagogues. We were taught that there was no God and I kind of believed it, but at home I willingly followed our Jewish rules and there was no contradiction between the two spheres of life.
Anatoliy Shor