Tag #112074 - Interview #94906 (Arkadi Yurkovetski )

Selected text
Arrests that began in 1936 [16] had an impact on our family. In 1937 our father was arrested after somebody reported on him. He was kept in prison in Vinnitsa for two months. They wanted to know where our father kept gold. They came to search the house, but of course, they didn’t find anything. We were very poor. Our father was interrogated every day. They finally released him, but very few prisoners were blessed with such lucky ending. Many people disappeared for good. I don’t know what were the charges against them. People didn’t ask each other questions. We just noticed that some disappeared every now and then. They were arrested at night and then nobody saw them ever again. They were common folks and I believe they were innocent, but the new regime didn’t quite like them.
Arkadi Yurkovetski