Tag #112091 - Interview #94906 (Arkadi Yurkovetski )

Selected text
Before Germans left something that I could never forget happened. All inmates of the ghetto were ordered to come outside. Ukrainians were ordered to watch standing by the fence around the ghetto. There was a cart and a 500-600 l barrel on it. Germans harnessed Tomashpol rabbi Moshe and ordered him to pull the cart. He was a tall handsome man of average age. Policemen called him ‘Black beard’. He couldn’t move the cart. I can still remember how he raised his hands calling to God ‘If You can see me. You know that I’ve never sinned and I was faithful to You. How can you allow them to harness me like a horse?’ At that moment there was a sound of a gun machine and Moshe fell to the ground dead. Germans took him away and buried him. Jews and Ukrainians cried after him.
Arkadi Yurkovetski