Tag #112109 - Interview #94906 (Arkadi Yurkovetski )

Selected text
In 1953 I received a cable from home that my mother was severely ill. I got a leave. When I arrived home my mother had already had a surgery. She had breast cancer. She had one breast amputated and was feeling better. I went back to my military unit in two weeks. Shortly afterward I got a telegram that my mother died. This happened in April 1953. My mother was 51 years old. I went home. It was cold and there was snow on the ground. I got to Vapnyarka station by train. From there no transport drove to my town due to snowdrifts. I went to a military unit and explained my problem. They gave me skis and I skied 20 km to my town. I followed power supply lines to not get lost. I reached Tomashpol in the evening the following day. My mother had been buried by then. They didn’t have hope that I would come and decided not to wait until I came. I cried bitterly feeling so bitter that my mother was buried when I was not there. She was buried according to the Jewish tradition near her father’s grave. My father recited the Kaddish over my mother’s grave. I stayed at home few days before I went back to my military unit.
Arkadi Yurkovetski